Viewdle Mashes Social Networking, AR & Facial Recognition (Video)
February 14, 2011
Are we ready for mobile apps that mash up social networking, AR & facial recognition?
Then demo here is cool when you teach your phone to recognize a friend and then automatically upload pictures you take to Facebook or whatnot. What's a little scary is the prospect of this kind of technology evolving into a solution that be able to teach you about the person you're aiming a phone at.
Advertisers will love that - systems built into signage, for instance, that see you as you pass by, recognizes who you are and then analyzes your clickstream, updates and relationships you post out there, and then serves up pitches aimed directly - and uniquely - at you.
(Other) stalkers will love it too.
But should we have a conversation about whether we really want that? In addition to Do Not Track lists, will we need Do Not Recognize lists, too?
Still, very cool in its current form. Read more here.
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