Tough Love: VW Uses Mobile AR To Launch Beetle (Video)
Anticipation: Heinz Augments Mobile Reality To Wow In-Store Shoppers (Video)

Bacardi Real-Time 3D Projection Mapping Coolness (Video)


Is that a dragon ripping through that building over there? 

It appears Bacardi is the latest brand to put projection mapping on the map, here with a very cool implementation in Amsterdam. Here, you even have the ability to submit photos for use in the projection.

Seems like an digital outdoor kind of week here at GEN WOW. But when there's so much coolness happening at once, we just can't help ourselves.

But what's your view? Is Dragon Berry berry cool - or just a drag?

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 OD_cover "... EXCELLENT ..."


“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly





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