Catch A MINI & Keep It - In World's Largest Outdoor Reality Game (Video)
November 30, 2011
A mobile/real-world game credited with doubling sales of MINIs in Sweden last year is now going global.
Next up: Tokyo, where smartphone users will hunt, and then try to hold onto, a MINI hidden in the city, for the chance to win the real car.
According to Ad Age, the original game doubled sales of MINI in Sweden (I don't know from what baseline - but the case study video below gives a nice overview of how it works) - and is expanding dramatically in Japan, where it will cover 32 times more space, at 240 square miles.
Considering the average gameplay was over five hours in Stockholm, we could be looking at some serious engagement in a city the size of Tokyo.
The Japanese will need to get their game on: The event only runs just nine days, starting December 3.
While it's very cool, I think it really would have benefited by GoldRun-esque augmented reality, where you "find" the virtual version of the car, vs. the basic "location" of the MINI as seems to be the case here. But I do like the fact that others can snatch the car if you aren't careful.
In THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I look at how brands in general, and automobile brands in particular, are using virtual/real world games like this, either on their own, or through platforms like Joyity.
Look for the trend to hit overdrive in 2012.
Read more about the MINI Getaway here.
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