Amnesty International: 'Slide to Unlock' iPad Ad (Video)
Heineken Seeks Buzz From Augmented Reality (Video)

QR Code 'Santa Tags' Let You Record Greetings To Go With Your Gifts (Video)

Now you can leave a recorded message to be delivered with that holiday gift.

New QR code "Santa Tag" at JC Penney enable customers to scan the code and record a message for the recipient - who will scan the code for message playback when opening the gift.

There's got to be an easier way to do this - are there self-recording gift cards out there? - but not in time for this holiday season. In fact, this is one of the better retail QR code initiatives I've seen so far this cycle.

It's also the only one I've seen that lets me have a little fun at the recipient's expense. At least the ones who have any clue what a QR code is.

Read more here.

What's your opinion? Does this new Amnesty campaign unlock new possibilities? Or merely swipe at the problem?

Read more, here.

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Rick - we sell similar talking QR Code stickers that can be used for the self-recording gift cards you mentioned.

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