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Dove Lets You Give Facebook Ads A Makeover (Video)


Unilever's Dove brand has a new entry in its ongoing "Campaign for Real Beauty" campaign - a new effort in Australia that lets women switch out Facebook ads that are downers - beauty ads that feature negative imagery - with uplifting ads that let women eschew beauty industry stereotypes.

In my book, THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I take an in-depth look at this iconic campaign; interview Laura Klauberg, Unilever's then-SVP of Global Media about some of the astonishing results the campaign has been generating; and examine how the brand reconciles the fact that while Dove is working to help women foster healthy body images, its Axe deodorant and body wash brand, well, not so much.

Read more about the ad makeover initiative here.

And read more about THE ON-DEMAND BRAND here.

And you can hear excerpts from from my source interview with Laura Klauberg here:

Part 1: The Power of 'The Big Brand Idea'

Part 2: The 'Evolution' of Dove

Part 3: Fostering Brand Innovation

Part 4: Getting Personal with Social Media


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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




'Turntable Rider' Turns Your Bike Into A Music Mix Pad (Video)


Why just ride your mountain bike when you can use it to make music, too?

After all, nothing rounds out a rollicking quest for a natural high like adding a pulsating dance mix to those placid hills and valleys. (In truth, this YouTube video isn't so much mountain bike as it is trick bike - and this is certainly a new trick that will thrill certain segments of the consumer republic.)

According to Creativity, Cogoo, a Japense bicycle sharing service, launched the system - called "Turntable Rider" - to enable bikers to set off and mix pre-recorded sounds by performing different actions on the bike.

There's a small fader box, a jog wheel stick, a handbreak soundpad and a mobile app for creating and sharing your creations.

According to the pub, the system makes its premiere at the Kaikoo Popwave Festival 2012. And it is certain to give enthusiasts a whole new kind of street cred.

So what's your take?

Would you brake for mixing dance tracks with your next nature ride?

Or would you prefer that the club music takes a hike?

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Fake TED Talk from 2023 Part of Transmedia Promos for 'Prometheus' (Video)


Ridley Scott's prequel to Aliens included a presentation at TED this year by Peter Weyland - the fictional character played by Guy Pearce - pretending it was from TED 2023. (Minor nit: This looks like actual film, versus the digital video often used for TED videos.)

And it's just part of an elaborate, transmedia campaign that so far includes elements like fake business cards that lead to YouTube videos and Facebook conversations. And don't miss this corporate video for Weyland' Corp's new android, David (below).


As Simon Pulman, CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment, writes in Ad Age, this effort - from Scott and "Lost's" Damon Lindelof - makes the advertising for the film an extension of the film rather than purely promotional. Best of all, it makes fans part of the effort, enlisting them to spread word of, and dissect, each new component of the campaign.

In my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I look at how Lenelof and then-head of marketing for ABC Entertainment, Mike Benson, used transmedia storytelling to fuel fandemonium among "Lost" fans in the (often long) periods between seasons.

Prometheus looks very cool - and the campaign promoting it looks cooler still.

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Ford Pinball Park (Video)


Call it a bit of pinball wizardry inspired by the perils of parking on a busy street.

This impactful little DOOH effort from Ford illustrates the brand's active park assist technology.

It's no Tic Tac Bad Breath or TNT Street Drama, but it's fun in its own right - and it does drive home its point.

Like Bad Breath, this initiative was activated in Paris. Which makes me wonder if there is any cultural insight into how brands market in France. Both used humiliation to reward passersby.

Kinda makes you wonder what it takes to cut through le pagaille.

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Entire IKEA Store in A Tiny Ad Banner (Video)


IKEA's notion of a big idea is a really tiny ad banner.

The brand has stuffed an entire store - 2800 products - inside this 300x250-pixel ad banner, with rollover functionality that magnifies products. Just click and you can place an order.

While a more overt social component would have made this even cooler - and more viral - you have to give props where they're due.

Call it the world's smallest IKEA store.

Or the the most monumental idea to come to ad banners in a really long time.

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Move Over, TNT: Tic Tac Pulls Off Bodacious 'Bad Breath' Stunt in Crowded Street


Did Tic Tac just top TNT by a breath?

Sure, last week was all about TNT's hilarious street promo. But so far, this week is kicking off with a stunning performance of a Tupac hologram at Coachella 2012 - and a look at what happens when a flash mob meets digital outdoor signage in the name of freaking people out and making a scene out of what must be astonishingly bad breath. Brilliant.

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Author Rick Mathieson Takes on Top Digital Trends At Visual Media 2012 in SF

VisualmedI'm looking forward to my talk at Visual Media 2012 next week in San Francisco.

It looks like a fantastic agenda, and I'm amped about being invited to speak

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




TNT Pulls Off Dynamite Street Promo on Quiet Square (Video)


This street promo for TNT in Belgium is a total blast.

Place one red button in the middle of a quiet square. Add a sign that says "Push to add drama." Wait for someone to come hit that button. And then let all hell - and hilarity - break loose.

Big kudos to all involved.

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




Kit Kat, Pepsi Personalize New Social Media Campaigns (Video)


Kit Kat and Pepsi want to get a little more personal with you.

In my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I discuss how important it is to accentuate the POS-itive in digital marketing - "P" for personalizable; "O" for ownable; and "S" for sharable.

Old Spice Guy is just one of the higher profile examples of this notion - personalizing video snippets to address individual consumers (well, influencers in that campaign).

Now, JWT is showcasing new campaigns from Kit Kat and Pepsi that take a page from that playbook.

In Kit Kat's case, it was a recent initiative in Milan that enabled consumers who Liked the brand to get caricatures created of them, that they could then share with friends.


Meanwhile, in an upcoming campaign, Pepsi will have comedians impersonate consumers who Like the brand, based on their sure-to-be-embellished Facebool profiles - which should be a lot of fun.

What's nice here is that these efforts are aimed squarely at everyday consumers (even though the Pepsi promo seems to indicate otherwise) - versus the digerati.

Will they spread like Old Spice Guy? Time - and some serious sharing - will tell.

Read more here and here.



How might your brand put projection into play?

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly




'Carmapping' Citroen DS5: 3D Projection Mapping On A Car (Video)


You see a lot of 3D projection mapping on buildings these days.

And you see a lot of cars featured in many of those building-based projections.

But here's a YouTube video of projection mapping on an actual car - to stunning effect.

I especially like the driving sequence - nice FX for an indoor reveal.

Overall, a nice way to rev up a presentation, especially when the car can't actually move.

How might your brand put projection into play?

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“Through persuasive arguments and Q&A's with the major players in advertising, Mathieson makes an excellent case for greater creativity and outside-the-box thinking backed up with solid ideas."

Publisher's Weekly


