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Fanta-Flavored Print Ad (Video)


Now you can taste Fanta's latest flavor and add a little fiber to your diet, too.

You trying? I'm not trying. Hey Mikey, he'll try it - (okay, seriously mixing consumer food brands here.)

From the looks of it, the "taste page" is made out of that cellophane-like sheet substance some mints come in these days. And while I'm not a huge fan (have you ever choked on one of those things?), it beats the 'Got Milk?' chocolate chip-cookie scented bus shelter ads from a couple years back (which had to be removed because so many people complained about the smell.)

As Adweek reports, this particular little foodfest comes from Ogilvy in Dubai - the same office behind that touch screen print ad I posted about last week.

Seriously into innovative print advertising, that office. Here's hoping they get a beer account soon.

Now that would create some serious buzz (...okay, sorry about that.)

Read more about the Fanta edible print ad, here.

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Bus Station Ad Rewards You With Entertainment - Or A Ride In A Lamborghini (Video)


Yes, it might just be the "Best Bus Stop Ever."

In a new initiative promoting Qualcomm's mobile solutions, this bus stop ad invites you to respond via mobile to experience the unexpected - including all manner of entertainment, and even a ride in a Lamborghini to your destination.

In some respects, it's just the latest sign that outdoor may well be the new TV - not in reach, but in branded experiences that pack punch.

Just look at Tic Tac's "Bad Breath," the Ford Pinball Park; The Giant Tourism Vending Machine, and our own LoopNet 3D projection experience.

It's amazing what you can do in outdoor these days.

And this simple, elegant initiative from Qualcomm makes the point with gusto.

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Touchscreen Print Ad Offers Instant Car Insurance Quotes (Video)


What are the Geico lizard or old Mayhem going to make of this?

More importantly, what might they do with it?

An insurance company called RSA in the Middle East has created an interactive print ad that enables readers to ask for a quote, no mobile phone or other consumer device required, though the quote comes back via the reader's mobile phone (which obviously provides the brand with contact information it could use for follow up communications).

As PSFK points out, the ad, developed by OgilvyOne, is targeted to prospective customers in Dubai, and supports the brand's "Easy as Ever" promise.

Sure it's early days in this kind of thing - a first step toward some of the interactive print concepts we saw in 'Minority Report' a decade ago - and it will need to be enhanced before it gets truly compelling.

But here, the medium is quite literally the message - an innovative "wow" moment that directly delivers on the brand's positioning.

Read more here.

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Sports Illustrated 3D Projection Experience At Caesars Vegas (Video)


SI is taking this Strip thing to a whole new level - with a little help from Lexus.

On the heels of the duo's QR code-enabled interactive print ad, the brands used Caesars Las Vegas as the canvas for a rip-roaring 3D projection mapping experience last night, featuring models from this year's big Swimsuit Edition.

The event was managed by Pearl Media, and the 3D projection experience was developed by Go2 Productions - the same team we worked with to develop our big LA Traffic Jam with Train, presented by LoopNet last month. 

There are lots of things for fans of the annual issue to like - including building-size views of Kate Upton and her fellow SI models - with 3D elements, no less.

My view: As SI's first 3D experience, this is a sure sign the venerable SI "Swimsuit Edition" brand means business - and that Lexus is more than happy to help it hit the accelerator.

But what's your view? Is this whole spectacle a sign of overexposure?

Or a major splash for what is becoming a powerhouse media event?

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Lexus Hides Swimsuit Models Within Interactive 'Sports Illustrated' Print Ads (Video)


Lexus is pushing the limits again - just in time for this year's big SI Swimsuit Issue.

There was that 3D projection mapping experience on an LA Hotel a while back. And in October, the brand brought a print ad to life with the help of a handy iPad.

This time out, Lexus is going a bit simpler, keying into QR codes - the scanning of which reveals models kinda-sorta hidden in SI print ads for the new IS.

Still, the pursuit of perfection could have added a little more punch to the reveals than just having the models strut toward us. Integrating with the car in some fashion - or really just doing anything a little more interesting - would have been a better pay off for going to all the trouble.

Okay, it's still pretty cool. And it's apparently just the opening act. According to ADWEEK, the Lexus IS is also included in Sport Illustrated's first-ever 3D projection mapping experience on the facade at Caesar's Las Vegas (the development of which comes from Go2 Productions, the same team that worked on our recent 3D projection experience for a recent client event featuring a private concert by TRAIN).

Get the full scoop here.

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Bringing Tasty Back: Oreo Scores Another Slam Dunk With Social Media

SocialFirst there was that tweet during the Super Bowl - "You can still dunk in the dark."

Then, during last night's Grammys, Oreo scores again with a visual tweet about Justin Timberlake's "return" to pop music.

(I hadn't realized he'd left; then again, during the time he was bringing "sexy back," I hadn't realized it had gone anywhere, either).

As PR Newser puts forth, it's unclear if this visual was crafted on the fly - Timberlake was wearing a bow tie - but either way, Oreo has done it again.

Get the milky scoop, here.

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Science Diet's 'Yummy Face Maker' App (Video)


Just think what a fast food brand could do with this.

Science Diet's "yummy face" app is the perfect match of audience, medium and message. Personally, I'd love to have seen more comical options - but again, maybe a fast food joint will take this all to a whole new level, celebrating serious super fans.

Here, users could add a tongue to a snapshot of their pet munching on Science Diet, which generated 2,500 postings to the brand's site within 60 days, along with countless others on Facebook and Twitter.

Indeed, this initiative accentuates what I describe in THE ON-DEMAND BRAND as the P.O.S.-itive - making the experience Personalizable, Ownable and Sharable.

Still, as fun as this is, I still can't help thinking Carl's Jr. staging this same kind of app would make mince meat out of this kitten chow.

Get the full scoop on Yummy Face Maker, here.

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