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Samsung Challenges You to Stare Down to Win A Free Phone (And It Won't Be Easy)


All eyes are definitely on this new promotion for the Samsung S4 - in what must be the ultimate stare down.

It's no TNT Street Promo, or even a Tic Tac Bad Breath. And I have no idea why I would care that the S4 has eye tracking capabilities (I'm not even sure I would want my phone to have such things).

But this promo, from a creative studio called Perfect Fools and an agency called Heimat Inc, is worth a stare - with a few laughs along the way.

Read more, here.

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Coke's 'Sharing Can' Combines Two Cokes in A Single Form Factor (Video)


And here I thought last week's 'Small World' initiative was cool - and now this.

Coke continues to find innovative ways of turning a soda break into a social experience.

Read more, here.

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Heineken Cup 3D Video-Mapping Display Features Mood Data As Infographic (Video)


You have to dig this video mapping initiative for the Heineken Cup rugby final in Dublin earlier this month.

This installation from a brand consultancy in Dublin called Thinkhouse, displayed live Twitter activity as an infographic, allowing rugby fans to influence the projection by tweeting their support for the finalists as part of a "Get in the Game" campaign.

According to Event Industry News in the UK, the system scanned Twitter for positive and negative sentiment and measured it along with volume and real-time trends - and then translated it into 3D graphics on the spot. What's more, members of the public could step up to a special platform to kick "virtual conversions" - with each successful kick converted into a tweet of support for their chosen team.

According to the pub, it's all part of a much larger integrated campaign that includes mobile and online elements. But without a doubt, this real-time social+projection experience is a leap forward in fan interaction - and a sign of things to come.

Get the full score, here.

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'Best of Show' B2B - A Summit International Creative Award Winner (Case Study Video)


You've never seen B2B marketing quite like this before.

I first posted about this initiative back in January - but we just found out we won "Best of Show" for best integrated campaign at the Summit International Creative Awards.

Take a look - and tell us how you're using B2C approaches in B2B marketing; we'd love to share your story!


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Mercedes Rolls Out In-Car Mobile Payments App (Video)

Talk about driving innovation. 

While most auto brands seem content using mobile as a pure-play marketing channel, Mercedes-Benz is turning it into an in-car account management app.

At its most essential, the in-car app is an extension of a smart phone and tablet-based account management tool first introduced in 2009 by Mercedes-Benz financial services. Now it is being integrated within navigation console of many model year 2013 vehicles.

In all cases, drivers can use the apps to make payments on their vehicles, access account information, get pay-off information, receive payment reminders and even sign up for auto-pay. And yes, when you start thinking about your next Mercedes, you can use the app to calculate payments.

I do think this could/should be further integrated with OnStar-style concierge services to give drivers access to anything they need while driving.

How might an innovative CRM solution like this thrill your customers while cutting down costs and streamlining operations?

The concept is definitely worth a test drive.

Read all about it, here.

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Coke 'Small World Machines' Share Moments within Nations at Odds (Video)


There has long been a belief that popular culture breaks down barriers - the idea that engagement always trumps disengagement.

That was true when it came to the Soviet Union. That's true when it comes to China.

And to the extent than popular culture includes consumer products (it includes music, movies and fashion, so why not CPG?), Coca-Cola has always been at the forefront of cashing in on any peace dividend it could help create (a notion I call "cause meets commerce" in my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND). Just look at the "I'd Like to Buy The World A Coke" spot from the 60s.

And look at this fantastic new outdoor-cum-live-social-media effort from Coca-Cola and Leo Burnett, which provides a live communications portal between people in two nations who have long had antagonisms - India and Pakistan – and gets them to complete some engaging task, like touching hands, or drawing symbols for happiness, peace and love together. 

I dare you not to get choked up.

Kudos to all involved.

Read all about it, here.

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The Hidden Hearing 'Vision' Test (Video)


This is a tricky TV spot that looks like a vision test, sounds like a rude awakening about your hearing.

It reminds me of an initiative from Fanta that I write about in my book, THE ON-DEMAND BRAND. It involved a mobile app where kids could press buttons to play audio clips that make fun of the adults in the room. The frequency was just high enough that nobody over the age of 21 could hear it. So kids had fun at the adults' expense, and the grown-ups were (suitably) clueless.

Kudos DraftFCBToronto for applying this kind of concept to something far more important.

Read all about it, here.


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'Momtract' Gives Mom What She Really Wants This Mother's Day: Power (Video)


This is a hilarious new video from, ironically, Mother NY.

Needless to say, Mom will love it.

Read all about it, here.


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Lenticular Poster Speaks to Adults, Children At Different Angles to Fight Abuse (Video)


Okay, this isn't a digital experience - but that doesn't mean it's not innovative.

This out-of-home poster campaign uses lenticular printing so that there's a message at one height for adults, and another at eye-level for kids.

All for a very good cause. Kudos to Grey Spain for the great work.

Read all about it, here.

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Interview: AKQA CEO Tom Bedecarré (Conclusion) - Alternate Reality Games, Location-Based Marketing & Targeting


In the conclusion of this source interview for my book, THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, AKQA CEO Tom Bedecarré offers his view of alternate reality games (ARGs), social media, location-based marketing and that most controversial of issues: targeting.

CLICK HERE to listen to: Tom Bedecarré, CEO, AKQA (Conclusion): ARGs, Social Media, Location-Based Marketing & Targeting



(Approx. 5:45)