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Taco Bell Brings Doritos Locos Tacos to Canada, Makes Critical Tweeps Eat Their Words - Literally (Video)


Who knew Canadians were jonesing for Doritos Locos Tacos so much?

Apparently Taco Bell did - informed by more than a few Twitstorms over the matter. So it somehow pulled an ambush on these outspoken Tweeps and made them eat their words.

Heck, if Taco Bell's going to make tweets come true, I'm really ticked that they haven't given me a Doritos Locos Taco stuffed with $1 million lately.

Read more about the initiative, here.




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Interactive 3D Projection Musical Instrument Controlled By Laser Pointers (Video)

It's called "Archifon," and it's an interactive musical instrument projected onto the surface of buildings (here, the interior), and controlled by laser pointer. Very cool - and it points to amazing things to come.


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Prevention's New 'Your Face on Meth' App Lets You See What Drug Addiction Can Do to Your Face

FaceEver wonder what you'd look like if you were addicted to meth?

Me neither.

But there's reason to hope Prevention's new "Your Face on Meth" app could catch on.

In my book, THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I look at how financial planing firm AMF, in an effort to increase awareness for its services by helping young people to start planning for retirement, invited people to submit an image of themselves and then receive it back, a few minutes later, to see what they might look like at age 70.

In its first six weeks, over 330,000 images were submitted, and brand awareness shot up 33%.

It's unclear what other promotional elements support the meth app. And time will tell if it will gain any kind of traction, much less help get people to stop, or stay off, drugs.

But this is a good example of the kind of engaging, participatory campaign component brand and cause marketers need to include if they want to connect with Generation Wow.

You can read more about the effort here.

And try the app yourself, here.



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Your Marketing Career: How Do You Choose New Roles & Positions?

Insane weekend: A good friend mentioned someone I might know might be interested in a position opening up that sounded so amazing, I seriously thought about taking it myself, wracking my brain to find a realistic way to make it work full time, or as a contract client, or somehow freelance in my current position.

But for a host of business reasons, I realized none of these were possible in this particular instance, and I had to pass on it all together.

And another friend offered me a great new position at his hot shot marketing firm, which I had to decline in the end, too.

I know I made the right decisions for these roles right now, but it was tough.

When assessing a new role or position (within an agency or client-side) and whether it's right for you, right now, which is harder? Yes or no?

What are the key factors that go into your decisions on roles or positions?



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Mini Me: Win A 3D-Print Out of Yourself - from Coca-Cola (Video)


Sometimes a big idea starts with something mini.

This is the first really fun 3D printing marketing initiative I've seen from a major CPG brand.

Here, Coca-Cola used a mobile promotion to enable fans to create onscreen mini-me's – that they could then enter for the chance to get a full body scan for a 3D print out figurine of themselves – as part of a launch for Coke's new "mini bottle."

Kinda makes you wonder what the 3D Big Gulp promotion might be.



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B2B Case Study: Branded Game for SonicWALL (Video)


This is a short video about a recent branded game we created for network security solutions provider SonicWALL.

In its first six months, it resulted in over 1 million game plays, 5,000 leads and $1 million in sales.

If you're a B2B marketer, how might you turn fun and games into very serious business?


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Disney's New AR App Lets You Create & Star in Videos Along Side Its Characters (Video)


What JJ Abrams did for "Star Trek" and "Mission Impossible" with the ActionFX app, Disney's doing with its treasure trove of characters via its new Infinity Action! app.

As a tie-in with its new Infinity game, this app allows you to create short videos using a host of popular Disney characters and 30 different animations and props, that they can then share on their soc-nets.

Kids (and a fair number of parents) are certain to love this - and it's a great way to turn advertising into a participatory experience.

How might your brand use AR to create experiences like this?


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3 Minutes in Italy: San Pellegrino Facebook App Lets You Control Robot on Streets of Sicily (Video)


Love this new initiative from San Pellegrino.

It's a kind of Avatar-in-Taormina experience - enabling you to control a robot on the streets of Sicily. Take in the sight. Chat up the locals. Your face even appears on the android's monitor.

At first glance, robots may feel a bit off-brand, until you see how this works. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy a few minutes in Italy during a hectic day.

Of course, switch out the R2D2 body and replace it with a Ferrari, and then I'd really feel amore.

What's your view: digital that adds fizz to the brand? Or flat as an automaton's behind?


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Build A World With Your Hands In This Amazing Augmented Reality Sandbox (Video)


This is seriously cool.

And while this demonstration is designed for educational purposes, you can't help but imagine what game brands like Sim City and Minecraft could do with it someday.

Not to mention how virtually any brand focused on creating compelling consumer experiences might find the tactile elements irresistible.

How might you put this kind of tech to use for your brand or clients?


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Haagen-Dazs Presents A Mini Augmented Reality Concerto - Atop Your Ice Cream (Video)


It might be the ultimate ice cream topping: This augmented reality concerto lasts just long enough for the ice cream to soften up just right. A very nice branding moment for connecting with certain customer segments.

How might experiences like this boost your brand affinity?

Read more about the initiative, here.


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