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British Airways' 'Magic Billboard' Wins Direct Grand Prix at Cannes


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? ... Yes, it's a plane - flight 186 from New York, in fact.

These billboards from British Airways get people looking at overhead flights - pointing out where the flight's origination and destination points.

The effort - called "magic billboards" - comes from OgilvyOne and Storm, and have officially won the Direct Grand Prix at the Lions Ad Fest. 

Kudos to all involved - we'll be watching for the flight home from Cannes.

Read more here.


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Sephora 3D Augmented Reality Mirror at Retail (Video)


Here's looking at you - in a whole new way.

Sephora's Milan store has a new AR mirror that enables shoppers to try on makeup without applying anything.

Live AR like this represents a compelling application of AR at retail - empowering the consumer to do what previously would have take a lot of time and tissues to even attempt.

The tech, from ModiFace, looks to work quite well. For many other applications, be sure to pick up a copy of my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND.

It's clear every marketer should take a long look in the mirror and ask: How might your brand use this kind of tech at retail?

Read more about Sephora's initiative, here.


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McDonald's Brings its Own Game to AR at World Cup (Video)


Giraffas isn't the own restaurant with an AR game for World Cup. Now, Cannes' newly minted 'Marketer of the Year' is in the game, too.

Love the app (and the spot). But are you McLovin' Cannes' choice? If not, what brand would you give the nod to?


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