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P&G's 'Like A Girl' Campaign - Dove's 'Real Beauty' By Another Name? (Video)


I'm intrigued by P&G's new "Like A Girl" campaign for Always - and find myself wondering if it will be viewed an imitation of Unilever's long-running "Real Beauty" effort, or in its own right.

Myself, I'm all for anything that helps boost self-esteem. And while some of the conventions here have been used by Unilever's Dove brand for years, the entry point here is in many (many) ways even more important than beauty (inner and outer). It's about what it means to be a capable, powerful human being. 

As readers of my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND know, I'm a huge fan of Unilever's decade-long campaign. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for more efforts that collectively champion a change in the entire conversation about how products are marketed to women.

Count it as a victory for Dove - and kudos to Always for joining a growing chorus. Hopefully a sign of many more such initiatives, from many brands, to come.

Read more here.


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