Weird Al's Internet Onslaught - Brilliant Social Video, or Just Old School PR? (Video)
July 22, 2014
Is Weird Al's social success streak really everything it's made out to be?
Much has been made about how Yankovic has been releasing a new song and video every day for the last several days to build buzz for his latest album, "Mandatory Fun."
Here's the thing: I am not sure I would have heard about it at all, if not for the media coverage.
It's true that "viral" is an outcome, not a strategy. And here, the whole point was indeed to create a multiplier effect by leveraging unpaid media coverage (and its attendant online commentary) to build buzz.
This may just be an example of how this all works. And chances are, there's a lot more going on than just social virility.
That said - I love the video above. Reminds me of what a modern-day "School House Rock" might be like in the digital age.
And hey - who couldn't use a few reminders on avoiding "Word Crimes" in our real-time, online stream-of-consciousness?
Read more, here.
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