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Southwest Airlines 3D Projection Mapping Experience Soars (Video)


I'm seriously digging this massive, indoor 3D projection mapping experience for Southwest Airlines' ambitious brand re-launch on September 8.

Not surprisingly, Go2 Productions was behind the effort. Readers may remember I worked with Go2 on a powerhouse 3D projection mapping initiative as part of the LoopNet brand launch. I'm working with them on a top-secret new project right now that I can't wait to share with you soon.

I spoke with Go2's Adrian Scott about the Southwest project the other day, and in addition to the blockbuster visuals and concert-level sound, his team engaged other senses as well. When the plan turns toward them, wind machines begin hitting the crowd for maximum impact. Here, the audience is internal employees and important clients, press and analysts. But make no mistake - its viral power is being put to good use for any number of external audiences and the public at large.

In an age when we're all hit by a constant stream of multiscreen advertising, digital outdoor is emerging as a way to break through in a very big way. How might your brand use it to surprise and delight your target audience?

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A (Very Near) Future Where We Implant Our Phones, Instead of Carrying Them (Video)


It may sound crazy, but it's not.

Stealing a page from Netflix and others, BitTorrent is joining the original video content brigade with Children of the Machine, according to Motherboard.

Set eleven years in the future, the series looks at what happens when everyday life is shaped by ubiquitous augmented reality via communications devices that we don't carry around on our persons, but rather imbed within our skin.

That'll never happen, right? Don't count on it.

In my book THE ON-DEMAND BRAND, I talk to scenario planner Peter Schwartz, founder of the Global Business Network and SVP of Strategic Planning for Salesforce.com, about how mobile will evolve in the decade ahead. Schwartz is the guy Hollywood calls when they want to know what the future looks like, based on extrapolating from current trends.

In Schwartz's eyes, we are indeed likely to see mobile phones imbedded into our skin in the next several years. By 2030, we won't really be talking about actual metallic or plastic materials, either.

"They'll be just subcutaneous organic material forming an organic circuit that is a cell phone," he tells me in the book. And this won't be just a hands-free, voice-enabled technology either. Instead of speaking "Call home" to start a call - you'll think it. And finding your way around town or to that great Chinese restaurant people have been buzzing about will require a simple thought, as well. (Check out a source interview with Schwartz for the book, here.)

Of course, all of this convenience will be balanced with another effect. Though the video indicates otherwise, in a world where you can no longer get lost, you won't really be able to hide, either.

Read more, here.

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