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The Thoroughly Useful Ad Banner: The 3M 'Post-It' Ad (Video)


It's enough to make you love retargeting.

Online display ads for 3M's Post-It brand sticky notes have proven just that—sticky—by enabling consumers to write themselves notes, reminders and to-do lists right inside the ad units.

Through the magic of retargeting—technologies that deliver that same ad to you wherever you go around he Internets, usually to your chagrin—your virtual Post-Its re-appear everywhere you go.

In this case, you enable the ad to replace actual retargeted ads with your pervasive Post-Its, keeping your memos top of mind and always within view.

Which is frankly more than I can say about my real-world Post-Its, which seem to get destroyed or lost before I actually cross off my action items.

Maybe I need augmented reality Post-Its, instead.

Read more here.

(Thanks to PB for sharing)


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