HoloLens TED Talk Demos The Future of Augmented Reality (Video)
April 04, 2016
We're still digging this TED video of HoloLens and Kinect inventor Alex Kipman as he shares his vision for the age of holograms.
Of course, we haven't decided how much of this is overly staged to optimize for video capture (clearly it's mapped to the area he's working in here, and it remains to be seen if HoloLens will create the same effect in any space).
We're also amused by some of the hype involved (we're pretty sure a thousand years from now, even AR will be a distant memory, replaced by something that makes it seem antediluvian at best).
And yes, for some reason he had us thinking of Ernie & Bert playing around with an ancient form of augmented reality.
But Kipman's vision is compelling, especially given his work with Kinect, the motion-sensing technology that enables you to interact with AR elements through body movement.
One thing's for sure: We can't wait to see where it all goes in next decade—let alone the 990 years after that.
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