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Honda's 'Candy Cane Lane' VR Experience Brings Some Holiday Magic to Sick Kids (Video)


This little piece of Christmas spirit is from RBA. For every "Like" this video gets on Facebook, Honda will donate $1 to CHOC Children's and the PEdiatric Brain Tumor Foundation, up to $100,00. Well done by all.

Top Online Marketing Trends for Holiday 2016 (Conclusion)

Mobileholiday2_flippedQuick: Does the sight of shoppers using their mobile phones in your store spark fear that they're showrooming (looking at your products and looking for better deals online)?

Or does it fill you with holiday cheer, instead?

In part one of this mid-October appearance on the Jim Blasingame Show, I talked about trends in online retail when it comes to mobile.

In part two, the conversation shifts to email, social and search.

And in the conclusion, we look at local search and mobile as part of the SoLoMo (social-local-mobile) trifecta in holiday marketing.

As you'll hear, shoppers who use mobile while inside your store may just spend more money there—quite a bit more, in fact.

Top Online Marketing Trends for Holiday 2016 (Conclusion)


(Approx 4-min, 40-sec)



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