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Like Playing 'Call of Duty' in Your Backyard (Video)

We're seriously digging the looks of Recoil, a mixed-reality "Call of Duty"-meets Laser Tag -style first-person shooter from Skyrocket that you play in the real world.

Judging from the video from IGN at ComicCon, it's kinda like I'd imagine Pokémon GO would be, if it were cool and fun. Read more (and check out an even better video), here.

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WeChat's New BingoBox Store: No Checkout, No Cash, No Clerks (Video)

On the heels of our recent post about Amazon Go, it's worth noting this automated convenience stores powered by WeChat. There's no checkout. Instead, customers scan QR codes to enter the store, select products, then pay using their WeChat mobile wallets.

How soon we'll see this sort of thing in the US is anyone's guess, but it can't be that far off.

Indeed, it's actually not tremendously different than using Apple's Store app at Apple locations, where you can walk in, scan an item and walk out.

Except that BingoBox has, you know, junk food. Hard not to love that. 

Read more, here. —Rick Mathieson

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Animated Short 'Extinguished' Sure to Light Up Your Heart (Video)

It's hard not to love this 3-minute, CGI-animated short from college students Jacob Mann and Ashley Anderson.

“Once we had the idea that you could represent love as a flame, we decided to do a romantic love story,” Anderson tells the Daily Dot. “We wanted to make it everyday and relatable, but also sort of magical and fantastic.”

Done and done.

Read more, here. —Rick Mathieson

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AMEX Facebook Campaign Rewards Users for Watching Video (Video)

Sometimes it pays to listen.

At least, that was the case with this Facebook campaign promoting a Guns & Roses concert.

Knowing full well that 90 percent of Facebook users watch videos with audio turned off, AMEX snuck in a surprise. Those who activated audio got a surprise—a voice over that told them the first 50 to text in the name of the band's lead singer would win a free ticket to the concert.

How might your brand incentivize people to view your video advertising? —Rick Mathieson

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A-ha Gets its AR Moment (Video)

You knew somebody would eventually do it—and from the looks of it, Trixi Studios did it up right.

Using Apple's ARKit, the animation studio emulated the experience of A-ha's famous '80s music video "Take on Me."

According to Vocativ, it took the videographers 16 weeks to rotoscope the frames to create the original, this proof-of-concept app puts you into the video's fantastical world instantly. Check out this info video for more. —Rick Mathieson

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McDonald's Turns Drink Trays into iPhone Boom Boxes (Video)

We're McLovin' this new promotion from Mickey D's, which turns their recyclable drink trays into boom boxes for  your iPhone.

It's not the first time this has been done, of course—Coca-Cola once famously turned a magazine print ad into a speaker system for mobile phones as well. But that doesn't make McDonald's promo any less fun (our loud).

Read more, here.

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