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Rickandrick_logo2Ever heard of ASMR? If you haven't, you soon will.

See what happens when Rick Mathieson does his best to elicit an "autonomous sensory meridian response" (the aforementioned ASMR).

Once strictly the domain of Internet geeks, even celebrities are doing ASMR these days—which means marketers can't be far behind. (Check out the one of the better—okay, pretty awesome—entries, from Ashley Graham, below):


(Approx. 3 min, 20 sec)


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Top 5 Brand 'Adverpranks' 2017 (Video)

Top 10 Best AR Campaigns 2017 GenWowAwards_2017No fooling: It was another banner year for advertising pranks.

Usually, but not always, this form of advertising is designed to create tension with unwitting subjects caught on video in order to drive home a point or to promote a brand and its offerings. As longtime GEN WOW readers know, this dynamic works especially well for promoting horror movies.  

A trend that picked up speed in 2017: More positive, "purpose-driven" pranks, which is a development we wholeheartedly endorse. Not that we don't also still enjoy less altruistic efforts, too.

Here are a few of our faves from the year that was:

5. Fox-TV: 'Aliens in NYC'

This promo for the upcoming season of 'The X-Files" had three separate elements: The hand, the alien and the agents.

4. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes: 'Sudden Superhero' Prank

Frosted Flakes teamed up with Prank It Forward to pull this very positive prank on a young boy who once drew an anti-bullying comic book featuring a hero called Super Fight Guy. Makes you realize there are plenty of good people to prank in the year ahead.

3. Burger King: 'Bullying, Jr'

This is one Whopper (Jr.) of an adverprank. It captures footage from a BK restaurant to compare how many real-life customers will speak up when there's something wrong with their Whopper Jr. vs. how many will speak up to stop bullying happening right in front of them. It's not a pretty picture. But thankfully, two Good Samaritans show up to redeem our faith in humanity. A must watch, and a clever way to promote this BK sandwich.

2. Sony: 'Rings' Video Scares the Living Daylights Out of Shoppers

Even nearly a year later, we're loving this adverprank promoting 'The Ring' sequel. Fans of the franchise are very familiar with its "First you watch it, then you die" conceit—though this would freak out anyone, even without the backstory.  Sure, it's no "Devil's Due" or 'Telekinetic Coffee Shop," but it gets the neck hair bristling just fine.

1. Heineken:  'Worlds Apart'

Heineken pulled off what Pepsi seemed to have been attempting with its ill-fated Kendall Jenner spot, but couldn't. And it did it by not trivializing issues, but put them front and center—bringing people who are worlds apart at least a little bit closer. Oh, and by being true to the role Heineken actually plays in the world—as an ice breaker. Good stuff.

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Rick & Rick: Top 10 Ads on YouTube in 2017 (Video)

Rickandrick_logo2Some began life as Super Bowl spots. Others started as YouTube ad buys. Whether through virality or by paying their way there, they all became what ADWEEK calls the Top 10 Most Watched Ads on YouTube in 2017.

Then they met Rick & Rick.

Watch the spots (#1 is below) and then listen to what Rick Mathieson and Rick Wootten have to say about each and every one of them. Let us know if you agree, disagree or have your own take—we'd love to hear from you. 



Episode 10/Part 3/Concl. | (Approx. 11 min)

The #1 Most Viewed Advertisement on YouTube in 2017


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Rick Wootten


Rick & Rick: The One with Silent Gifs You Can 'Hear'

First there were "chiastic" literary devices, and now, "virtual Evoked Auditory Responses" ("vEAR").

Rick & Rick discuss a piece in the New York Times about silent gifs you (and 70% of respondents in a recent survey) can "hear," including the one shown below.

Sure, they love SCIENCE! just as much as the next set of geeks. But as Rick Mathieson points out, it could impact the way we as marketers develop animated gifs and videos—especially the kind meant to work with and without audio for optimizing impact in social feeds.

It's applied SCIENCE! And it's very cool.



Episode 10/Part 2 | (Approx. 2 min, 30 sec)

Do You Hear What 70% Hear?


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Rick Wootten


'Ho, Ho, Ho—Merry Chiasmus': The One with the Jedi (in Triplicate)

Rick & Rick talk "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" and the chiastic structure of the franchise's trilogies within trilogies.

It's only opening weekend, and one of us has already seen the film three times. But we're not naming names.

Not that it would do us any good. 



Click to Hear: Rick & Rick: The One with the Jedi

(Approx: 3 mins, 30 sec)

Rick & Rick Episode 10/Pt 1

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Rick Wootten


Top 10 Mobile Marketing Campaigns of 2017 (Video)

GenWowAwards_2017Longtime readers know that my annual list of favorites in mobile marketing rarely, if ever, have anything to do with "mobile advertising."

Why? For one thing, I believe that transferring ad models from one medium to another is beyond boring. For the other, just because an ad on say, Facebook, happens to be consumed on a mobile device doesn't make it mobile.

Still, as I discussed in my first book, BRANDING UNBOUND: The Future of Advertising, Sales & the Brand Experience in the Wireless Age, far too many marketers still think of mobile as a channel for variants on the age-old banner ad.

But this year, there were signs of life, innovations unique to the mobile medium or stemming directly from it. In fact, some efforts had nothing to do with a device called a phone—smart, mobile or otherwise. As it happens, the travel category figured prominently in our best-ofs.

Here's a purely subjective look at 10 that stood out to us in 2017.

#10: Faber Castell: 'The Never-Ending Forest' App

This augmented reality app from Faber Castell enabled kids to point their mobile phones at the brand's eco-friendly color pencils to watch them tome to life. They could then snap photos of up to 12 different animals, matching pictures with information about the animals and their habitat.

Among the results: 600,000 downloads in just 90 says, 76 million impressions, 4.5 million engagements on Facebook and Instagram, and more. A powerful way to educate and entertain through the power of augmented reality.

#9: Delta: 'The Dating Wall'

Delta put up scenes of nine exotic destinations on a wall in Brooklyn so singles in New York City could take selfies for their online dating profiles—as if they were jets-setting, globe-trotting bon vivants. All the better to inspire suitors to swipe right for romance.

#8: Amstel Light's 'Snatch' AR Game

It's like Pokémon Go - with beer. Dutch beer brand Amstel has teamed up with mobile AR treasure hunt app Snatch to give away 10,000 free pints to people who "snatch" and hold onto their prizes for up to six hours. Oh, and in addition to the free beer, there are 20 bikes at stake—and three trips to Amsterdam. They had us at "AR" and "beer," but those will work, too.

#7: S7: Ticket to Ride

In another travel-related mobile marketing initiative, Russian airline S7 bemoans the fact that consumers nowadays live vicariously through other peoples' Instagram images, "like places you've never been to, follow people, you'll never meet" - and encourages people to travel IRL. The airline even provides an incentive: A special web app where consumers can upload images of destinations they'd like to visit. The app generates a visual of a ticket to that destination, and offers a discount toward a purchase of real tickets there when consumers share it online.

#6: McDonald's Turns Drink Trays Into iPhone Boom Boxes

We're McLovin' this new promotion from Mickey D's, which turns their recyclable drink trays into boom boxes for your iPhone. It's not the first time this has been done, of course—Coca-Cola once famously turned a magazine print ad into a speaker system for mobile phones as well. But that doesn't make McDonald's promo any less fun (our loud).

#5: KLM Audio-Enabled, Location-Aware Luggage Tags

KLM Airlines is thinking beyond the flight to help visitors to Amsterdam make their way around town. Its new audio-enabled, location-aware "Care Tag" offers audio tips on things to see and do, based on where you are at any time. What's interesting is it consists of a speaker and an offline GPS module, so there's no telephony or Internet connection required. The voices even come from KLM crew members." Indeed, it's a perfect example of a travel brand using digital, data-based technology to extend the brand experience in a unique and compelling way.

#4: 'The Call': Send Personalized Videos About the Dangers of Driving High

An excellent personalized video campaign from Drug Free Kids Canada. Parents can send personalized videos warning against driving while high to their kids. Just as the onscreen character is receiving text messages from their parents wondering where they are, kids receive similar texts from their parents. It's a great conversation starter, and it joins a long list of brands using it for highly personalized video messages (see The On-Demand Brand for more). But here, it's put into service for a very good cause. Kudos to all involved.

#3: Coca-Cola Bottles Feature Removable Wristbands for Music Fests

Check out this inventive packaging from Coca-Cola, which came complete with removable wristbands that offer potential entry to music festivals. According to Marketing Dive, 75% of the teens in the target market were exposed to this campaign, which helped produce an 11% spike in sales. Even when they didn't win, consumers collected the bands as fashion statements. Talk about having a Coke and a smile.

#2: Recruit Lifestyle Company: Seem Mobile App

This Cannes Lions Mobile Grand Prix winning initiative enabled men to test sperm quality with their mobile phones. According to Advertising Age, when men put a drop of semen on a special lens applied to the phone, the app shoots video of the sperm and analyzes it for count, concentration and mobility. This was marketing that also helped improve people's lives—and a job well done.

#1: Gorillaz Augmented Reality App

You gotta love this campaign, which was awarded the Gold Lion at Cannes this year. As you enter the app, it superimposes elements from the make-believe band's albums onto your real-world surroundings, acting as gateways to an immersive Gorillaz House in celebration of the group's return after a seven-year hiatus. The festivities included more than 500 geo-located "House Parties" that saw 125,000 fans in 146 countries search for AR Gorillaz houses in their markets to stream Gorillaz' new album, Humanz. Let's just say it was a bit of a success. Major kudos to all involved.


Plus: These mobile winners are just for starters. Be sure to check out other mobile entrants in numerous categories throughout this year's GEN WOW awards for more.

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Top 10 Social Media Campaigns 2017

Top 10 Best AR Campaigns 2017 GenWowAwards_2017By now you know the drill about how social media is becoming a central component of virtually every integrated marketing campaign. And it's true.

While many of this year's GEN WOW AWARDS winners are indeed part of broader campaigns, our picks this time out tend to either be the primary channels used in the campaign, or are standalone efforts.

In fact, some of the most interesting entries this year were little more than simple tweets, even one-offs, that made an impact in the social media year that was.

#10 OLD SPICE: 'Simu-Date-Her'

This is the Facebook Live campaign your Facebook Live campaign would be—if it was Old Spice. In honor of Valentine's Day, Old Spice enabled Facebook users to control a real man and interact with a real woman on what passes for an almost life-like date in the social media age. Hilarious and sad at the same time.

#9  KFC: 11 Herbs & Spice (Girls)

KFC's Year of Major Madcap Marketing Stunts is coming to a close—and what a year it was. From a creepy animatronic drive-thru robot  to a Mother's Day romance novella that helped boost sales 40%, the Colonel has been flying his freak flag with pride - helping the brand extend 13 quarters of same-store sales growth since Q3 2014. But it may be a recent social media stunt that prompted Marketing Dive to name KFC its Marketer of the Year for 2017. In October, an astute Twitter user discovered that KFC's Twitter feed only follows  11 people—six people named "Herb" and the five members of the pop band Spice Girls. Makes you groan and smile at the same time. Kudos to KFC.


KFC's not the only QSR finding social media success this year. Wendy's scored big when a 17-year-old kid named Carter Wilkerson tweeted "Yo, @Wendy's how many retweets for a year of free chicken nuggets?" The fast fooder's response: 18 million—or roughly 6X greater than the existing record: Ellen DeGeneres's Oscar Selfie. The kid made it happen—and did something remarkable along the way. He helped raise money and awareness for both foster care adoption and breast cancer research. For that, this Gen Wow award's as much for Carter than it is for Wendy's—and he deserves it.   

#7 MCDONALD'S: Snaplications

What's a year in social media without yet another fast food brand making our rankings. A perennial favorite, McDonald's earns a spot with its "Snaplications" campaign, an effort to recruit teens while turning them into free publicity machines on Snapchat. How? Through filters of course. According to the Verge, here's how it worked: Prospective employees could apply a McDonald's hat and name tag filter to their faces and record a 10-second video to pitch why they would make a great employee. Participants were then sent a link to the company's digital careers hub where they could download application form. It's unclear why anyone would go through the extra rigmarole, but it surely couldn't hurt their chances.

#6 DENNY'S: Serving Up a Modern Meme Masterpiece

Who knew Denny's could poke fun at our unhealthy obsession over each new social media sensation? In March, the restaurant chain posted one of those "zoom in" posts where you typically find some kind of banal promotional message. Only here, you got something else entirely—a scavenger hunt of sorts with a reveal that read: "Has this distracted you from overwhelming existential dread lol." As Adweek put it at the time: "Ouch, Denny's. Way to remind us that we're all just frittering away what few scan moments we have before our inevitable demise." It also generated nearly 3X more retweets than Oreo's famous "Dunk in the Dark" tweet. Definitely food for thought.

#3 ROYAL CARIBBEAN: #SeekDeeper Snapchat Scuba Goggles

As part of its #SeekDeeper campaign, Royal Caribbean outfitted three well-known divers with "SeaSeekers," custom scuba masks with built-in Snachat Spectacles. Beyond capturing footage on the migration of whale sharks, coral reef restoration and the Great Blue Hole in Belize, Adweek reports the cruise line hopes to equip its shops with these masks so guests can rent them out and instantly share their underwater adventures via Snapchat.

#5 AMERICAN GREETINGS: #GiveMeaning to Mother's Day—'Tattoo'  

You're going to feel this one. "Tattoo" is a Mother's Day video that follows a young woman as she gets her first tattoo and reveals its special meaning to her. This campaign is part of American Greeting's #GiveMeaning campaign designed to help people honor those who've mattered most to them. Read more here.

#4 HEINZ: Instagram #FoodPorn

Heinz's "Irresistible Posts" Instagram series used geolocation to target local users looking for stories around lunch time. If they swiped a Heinz post featuring mouthwatering creations form a celebrity chef, it triggered the ability to order the contents of the post, which Heinz delivered in a personalized box. Insta-success. And tasty, too.  

#2 HEINEKEN: #OpenYourWorld—'Worlds Apart'

The popular beer brand pulled off what Pepsi didn't seem able or well suited to do this year—mostly by not trivializing issues and by bringing people who are worlds apart a little closer. Oh, and by reinforcing the role Heineken actually plays in the world—as an ice breaker. Pretty powerful stuff, actually—meant to open up honest and open-minded online conversations instead of perpetuating partisan echo champers. We'll drink to that.

#1 AMEX: Guns & Roses Facebook Campaign

Sometimes it pays to listen. At least, that was the case with this Facebook campaign promoting a Guns & Roses concert. Knowing full well that 90 percent of Facebook users watch videos with audio turned off, AMEX snuck in a surprise. Those who activated audio got a surprise—a voice over that told them the first 50 to text in the name of the band's lead singer would win a free ticket to the concert. How might your brand incentivize people to view your video advertising?


With that, congrats to all of this year's winners. And look for social elements in other categories in coming days, as the 2017 GEN WOW AWARDS continue.

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Honda's 'Ultimate' AR; Tarantino's R-Rated 'Star Trek' & More

Throw together Honda, augmented reality, Facebook's new "Did You Know" feature, Frappuccino Christmas trees and Tarantino's upcoming R-rated "Star Trek" movie and you just know it has to be another episode of...




 (Approx. 10 min)

One of our favorite topics from this episode: The Honda "Ultimate Get Well Card"—which also made the GEN WOW AWARDS 2017 list of Top 10 Augmented Reality Campaigns. Check out all the winners here!

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Rick Wootten


Top 10 Augmented Reality Campaigns of 2017 (Video)

Top 10 Best AR Campaigns 2017 GenWowAwards_2017Augmented reality-based marketing initiatives seem to have lost some altitude in 2017 compared to recent years—and that's probably a good thing.

Once a "me-too" phenomenon, a growing number of brands' AR initiatives have a solid reason for being or are exceptionally well-suited to the target audience.

Indeed, though it's often mistakenly called "virtual reality" (sorry folks, AR and VR are still two different things), the former is expected to eventually eclipse the latter because of an endless number of possible applications.

With AR viewers now available in the checkout line at even the smallest gas-'n-sip, perhaps they'll hit the 3.7 million units projected to be shipped in the next year.

Whatever the case, when brands do AR right, it can be a blast. Here's a look at some of our picks for the year's best (at least so far):

#10: 'Let's Be Evil'

Okay, we're cheating here—there's nothing AR about the experience. Instead, it's a movie featuring a dystopian vision for our AR-infused future. Here, it's all from the POV of "Glassholes." We have not yet seen the movie, but the trailer was too fun to leave off our list.

#9: John Lewis 2017 '#MozTheMonster' Holiday Filter

Longtime readers know John Lewis often makes our annual "Best of Lists." And they almost always involve the British retailer's integrated holiday campaigns, which are always crowd pleasers. This time out,  spots featuring Moz the Monster (#MozTheMonster") and are amplified by a soft Moz took, branded mugs, PJs, storybook downloads and a Facebook AR selfie filter (alas, described by at least one pub as a VR filter, which it is not).

#8: 'Ghostbusters: Dimensions' AR Game

It's hard to tell how much of this is just video or actual gameplay, but this promo from THE VOID and Sony Pictures looks like a lot of fun. A couple of key points: THE VOID develops experiences for certain venues. This was not a game you could download and play on your own. It also underscores the difference between AR and VR. Both WIRED and The New York Times referred to this game as being VR. From the promotional video at least, it appears to be AR-based, which helps explain how people move through it without the disorientation that often comes with VR-based experiences. For those new to this, AR layers digital elements on top of the real world, while VR immerses the user in a 100% digital world or experience.

#7: M&M's AR Billboards

To help promote the launch of M&M's new caramel flavor, the ever-popular Mars candy transformed a dozen billboards into an AR arcade that people could access via mobile phone. According to ADWEEK, it resulted in more than 466 million consumer impressions. 

#6: The Forestry Commission: 'Grufallo Spotter' AR App

Pokémon Go's got nothing on England's Forestry Commission. Its "Grufallo Spotter" AR app got kids to get excited about the great outdoors by getting them engaged with fun characters and activities based on the best-selling picture book. Check out a behind-the-scenes look, here and read more, here.

#5: Netflix Season Two 'Stranger Things' AR Experience and Filter

Readers may know that we're big fans of "Stranger Things" (Be sure to check out the latest "Rick & Rick" Podcast's season two recaps here). We're also fans of Snapchat (and more recently, Facebook) AR filters as promotional devices. So we were doubly pleased with Netflix's AR and VR-based filters for Snapchat. On the AR side, the filter applies Eleven's signature nosebleed to your face. Just don't raise your eyebrows—or you're thrown into the Upside Down. In the VR side, you're planted in Joyce Byer's season one living room, complete with creepy message lights.  

#4 Snatch: Life's for the Taking AR Treasure Hunt

It's like Pokémon GO—with beer. Earlier this year, Dutch beer brand Amstel teamed up with the mobile AR treasure hunt app known as Snatch to give away 10,000 free pints to people who "snatch" and hold onto their prizes for up to six hours. In addition to the free bear, there were also 20 bikes at stake, as well as three free trips to Amsterdam. But honestly, they had us at "AR" and "beer." But those other prizes work, too. 

#3: Beatie Wolfe—World's First AR-Based Live Streaming Music Event

First there were the NFC-enabled album covers you could tap with your mobile phone to bring up a website featuring one of her singles. This year, Beatie Wolfe launched an augmented reality-based live streaming experience to promote her latest album, Raw Space.

#2: Gorillaz Augmented Reality App

You gotta love this campaign, which was awarded the Gold Lion at Cannes this year. As you enter the app, it superimposes elements from the make-believe band's albums onto your real-world surroundings, acting as gateways to an immersive Gorillaz House in celebration of the group's return after a seven-year hiatus. The festivities included more than 500 geo-located "House Parties" that saw 125,000 fans in 146 countries search for AR Gorillaz houses in their markets to stream Gorillaz' new album, Humanz. Let's just say it was a bit of a success. Kudos to all involved.

#1: Honda: 'The Ultimate Get Well Card'

Hats off to Honda and agency RPA for this personalized AR experience for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation at the Children's Hospital of Orange County. The idea: bring an augmented reality surprise to sick kids in hospitals over the holidays. Be proud, people—a touching and truly meaningful application of this technology.

Learn more about Rick Mathieson and iMathieson


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