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Burger King Brings AI-Fueled Hilarity to its TV Spots (Video)

Burger King's AI Written TV Commercials

Copywriters the world over can breathe a sigh of relief: AI won't be taking their jobs—at least not yet.

In a new campaign, Burger King demonstrates what happens when TV commercials are written by a machine learning algorithm with "advanced pattern recognition capabilities." Let's just say it's not what one might expect given all the hype around AI these days.

Then again, how else would you get lines like, "The chicken crossed the road to become a sandwich,"  "The Whopper lives in a bun mansion, just like you,"  and "Math is tasty ... eat the math. BK logo appears."

On top of its recent "Whopper Neutrality" and "Chick Tax" stunts, the King is on a role. It's secret? According to the brand, it's all about learning from hackers to establish what it calls "brand relevance."

Tasty, indeed.

Watch more of the commercials, here.

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2030 Job Titles That Don't Yet Exist—and Lessons BK Learned from Hackers

Figure 2B-1 Alex Bogusky
In an episode from July, Rick Mathieson and Rick Wootten discuss the hot topics in the week that was in marketing, media and pop-culture, including:

• IHOB, Revisited (:30)

• Have the 'Star Wars' movies been sidelined? (1:53)

• Summer box office roundup (6:40)

• Marvel stars who weren't Marvel fans growing up (this is gonna hurt) (8:06)

• Blast from the past: An IBM portable computer spot from 1975 (this hurts, too) (9:40)

• New augmented reality business cards (12:52)

2030 job titles that don't exist—yet (14:20)

Lessons Burger King learned from hackers (18:00)


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