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2018's Top Halloween Costumes, McDonald's Goes All Banksy on Us (Podcast)

GW_halloween_stats_2018In an All-New Podcast Episode:

🐽 Are Muppets Asexual? Did Anybody Tell Ms. Piggie?

🎃 2018’s Top Halloween Costumes & Stats

🍔 McDonald’s Goes All Banksy on Us

👍🏻 Why Brands Should Take Side—or Not

Plus: ‘Loaded Questions' & More!


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(Approx. 25 min)

Gen Wow Pop Quiz: White Castle WTF Edition

Gen Wow Loaded Questions: 1. White Castle's VP of Marketing recently admitted to which of the followingRiddle us this, and then riddle us some more:

1. White Castle VP of Marketing Kim Bartley recently admitted to which of the following:

A.  Preferring Big Macs to Sliders

B.  Spending a night binging on a Castle Pack of waffle sliders, fish nibblers and beer

 C. Spending a year as a vegetarian

D. Spending too much on a new Maserati

Answer: C

According to Ad Age, White Castle CMO Kim Bartley admitted to recently spending a year as a vegetarian after White Castle's failed attempt to add salads and so-so results for a veggie slider. But it helped pave the way, apparently, for the far more successful Impossible Slider, which is made of a meat-like substance that's meat-free.


2. Last seen during the Super Bowl, this CPG brand campaign has made a return visit to the NFL during Thursday night football:

A. Pringles Stackers "Wow"

B. Tide "It's a Tide Commercial"

C. Mr. Clean's "Clean AF"

D. Hefty's "Cray-Cray Party Moms Get Turnt"

Answer: B

Tide is bringing "It's a Tide Commercial" to football fans. Because you know football fans are deeply concerned about their laundry detergent .


3. This Halloween, US consumers are expected to:

A. Tune in for the 29th edition of the Simpson's "Halloween Treehouse of Horror"

B. Tune in for the 30th edition of the Simpson's "Halloween Treehouse of horror

C. Spend $3.2 billion on costumes led by 1. Princesses, 2 Superheroes, 3 Batman characters and 4 Star Wars characters

D. Spend nearly $2.6 billion on such delicacies as Snickers, Reese's, M&Ms and Coffee Makes Me Poop Gum

E. All the above, except for A

F. All the above, except for D

Answer: E

All of the above except for A. This is the 29th edition of the Simpson's "Halloween Treehouse of Horror," and according to the National Retail Federation, US consumers will spend $3.2 billion on Halloween costumes. Plus: they will spend $2.6 billion on candy—including Snickers, Reese's, M&M and such novelty candies as Coffee Makes Me Poop Gum, Bacon and Cheese Flavored Crickets, and National Embarrassmints. In all, US consumers will send $9 billion on Halloween crap this year.


4. According to a recent ADWEEK article entitled, "How Mr. Rogers Taught Me Everything I Need to Know about Marketing," which of the following is not one of those pearls of wisdom:

A. Be inclusive of ideas, differences of opinion and ways to get things done

B. Learn to apologize for hurt feelings, misunderstandings and problems requiring remediation

C. Learn to apologize for your stupid ideas

D. Learn to apologize for your stupid ideas, especially the one you had last week

E. Both C and D, but definitely not A and B

Answer: E

The article included such Mr. Rogers-inspired advice for marketers as, "Be inclusive if ideas, differences of opinion and ways to get things done;" "Learn to apologize for hurt feelings, misunderstandings and problems requiring remediation;"as well as "Don't ever be afraid to admit you don't know," "Be kind," and more.


5. A new consumer gadget called Portal is which of the following:

A. A new video chat device from Facebook

B. The second sign of the Apocalypse

C. A new video chat device from Facebook that uses AI to react to callers' movements by automatically panning in and zooming out and adjusting sound levels

D. A new chat device from Facebook that uses Amazon Alexa, thereby positioning the devices as competitors to Google Home and Apple's HomePod.

E. A, C and D

F. A, C, D and B depending on your point of view

Answer: E or F

Portal is a new video chat device from Facebook that could transform chat and even social media by bringing it into the living room. Or maybe it's this year's version of the Facebook Phone that took the nation by storm. It uses AI to react to callers' movements by automatically panning in and zooming out and adjusting sound levels. It also uses Amazon Alexa, thereby positioning the devices as a competitor to Google Home and Apple's HomePod. Given the fun we've all had with Cambridge Analytica and other incidents in recent times, it could very well be the second sign of the Apocalypse, depending on your point of view.


CHEETOS: Orange is the New WTF (Video)

Cheetos is having a moment with the success of its recent pop-up restaurants in New York City and Los Angeles.

In New York, The Spotted Cheetah booked all 300 seats, and a 1,000 person waiting list for its three-day pop-up, which served delicacies such as White Cheddar Mac N' Cheetos. In LA, The Flamin' Hot Spot played up Flamin' Hot Cheetos-themed dishes, including the Hot Cheetos Burrito. 

In terms of novelty, the stunt was spot on, pardon the pun. And let's face it: Marketing is no longer just about engagement or interaction. It's about experiences. And with tastes, sounds and more, this Cheetos pop-up restaurant idea has legs.

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Things Our Grandkids Won't Believe We Said in 2018

Things kids won't believe we said in 2018

From an episode of Rick & Rick from earlier this year:  Rick Mathieson & Rick Wootten talk  about what data now shows IHOP'S "IHOB" stunt was a grand slam (sorry, Denny's). Plus: Things our grandkids will be amazed that people said in 2018.

Approx: 24 min

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