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Marketing, Media, Pop-Culture 2020: The Year in Loaded Questions (Part 2)

🎁The Loaded Questions keep flying as the Ricks take a stroll down Memory Lane to celebrate the conclusion of their mega-hit third season.


🔨Elon Musk-Haves? The Top 3 Holiday Tech Toys Gone Wrong (at :29-seconds)

🏈Will the Real Kyle Shanahan please stand up? (at 2-mins, :08-sec)

🧊How one brand found its cool during the coronavirus pandemic (at 3:50)

🤩The Ricks thank the fans (at 5:01)

🖖🏼Hailing Frequencies Open: Captain Equal Opportunity Cad (at 5:36)

🎒The Ricks address their baggage (the good kind) (at 7:06)

🏎Jumping the shark … into outer space? (at 7:55)

🃏From Joker to Siri: The top 5 commercials you did not see during Super Bowl 2020 (at 9:05)

⏮Some nutty moments from Seasons 1, 2, and 3

Approx. 27-min, 12-sec. For US audiences.
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Marketing, Media, Pop-Culture 2020: The Year in Loaded Questions (Part 1)

🎄It's a super-sized game of Loaded Questions as the Ricks celebrate the season that tried to make lemonade out of one lemon of a year.


🎅🏼A holiday end-of-season for the Ricks (at :55-seconds)

👽The time Rick M. introduced Rick W. in Klingon (at 1-min, :49-sec)

🍔When a certain QSR brand's campaign for freshness is solid mold (at 2:48)

🧟‍♂️The Ricks do science near you, and the results are scary (at 4:30)

😲Could this unfortunately-timed ad campaign benefited from a temporary rebrand? (at 6:12)

🤖Arnie's "Terminator" takes on an unexpected new role–and casting trivia from the OG (at 7:02)

💇‍♂️Rick W. wins a Golden Flowbee during lockdown—and finds himself in esteemed company (at 7:52)

🤘🏻From "Sex Education" to "Finger-Licking Vegan Nuggets" to fMRI and beyond (at 9:48)

📺"The Mandalorian" tries on some 501s (at 11:30)

🏈 Oh for the love of Quibi (at 13:32)

🤣 Some memorable moments from Season 3 of Rick and Rick Rule the World (at 15:14)

Approx. 19-min, 45-sec.

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🚙 Electric Cars—Not So Neutral After All?

It's time for a quick round of Rick and Rick Loaded Questions. This time out: The dirt on electric cars. Kissing in COVID-era movie productions. The best holiday movie of all time. And consumer views on social media as a holiday-season marketing channel.

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⚡️Jolt to the System: Comparing the carbon footprint of electric vs. gas cars

💋Zoom Romance: Actors' relationship with COVID-era kissing? It's com(plexi)

🍿Debates over the best holiday movie of all time die hard

🎅🏼Holiday advertising in social media: A mismatch under the mistletoe?

Approximately 5-minutes, 15-seconds.

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🍿Top 15 Movies of 2010s; Wonder Woman 3

This holiday season, Pizza Hut goes heavy on comfort and joy. Is "Get Out" or "The Babadook" the best movie of the 2010s? The world's waiting for you, "Wonder Woman." Plus: Debating Tesla's decision to dump its PR department.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in stylish, premium-quality travel gear.

👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com👐🏻


😷A Zoom Thanksgiving (at 55 sec)

🍿"WW84" to hit HBOMax—with "Amazons" spinoff & "Wonder Woman 3" in works (at 2 min, 25 sec)

🎬The Ricks review Mashable's list of Top 15 movies of the 2010s (at 4:43)

🛒Shop 'til you drop? Black Friday sales see major online spike (at 9:03)

📺 Real deal? Act now to get half off Samsung's $100,000 TV set (at 10:54)

🍕 Pizza Hut and Gravity Blanket Go Heavy on the Comfort & Joy (at 12:12)

🥤Coca-Cola dumps half of its beverage brands (at 12:41)

📣Tesla ditches corporate PR—and the Ricks discuss the pros and cons (at 15:17)

Approximately 22-minutes, 10-seconds.

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