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🍕 Ghosted Grub—The Food Is Real, The Restaurant Is Not

🥘 It's a trend that keeps giving us plenty to chew on. But are "ghost restaurants," sometimes called "cloud kitchens," really a tasty idea? Or is it half-baked branding at its worst? The Ricks give you the dish. From July 4. 

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium-quality travel gear for 🛩-setters everywhere.

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Approx. 5 minutes, 41 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.v

🤖 Westworld Returns, Ordering Dominos Pizza By Telekinesis, Velveeta Nail Polish & More

Marketing for Westworld 4, Stranger Things 4, and The Boys 3 goes experiential. A new Stranger Things app enables you to order Dominos Pizza using your mind. Coors wants you to chill out with ads that nobody can see, but everybody can feel. Plus: nail polish that smells like everybody's favorite cheese product, Loaded Questions, and a whole lot more! From June 13.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium-quality travel gear for 🛩-setters everywhere.

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🎓 One kid through college, another getting close—Rick W is officially an adult (at 1 min, 6 seconds)
👿 From Vecna with Love: The Ricks talk "Stranger Things" Season 4 Vol. 1 (at 2:10)
📺 "Stranger" danger: Is Stranger Things Season 3 or 4 better? Are even or odd seasons best? (at 2:38)
🎤 A "Neverending" challenge: Rick M preps Rick W to get ready to sing "Up That Hill" (at 3:25)
💥 "The Boys" are back with plenty of gross-outs—including a penis mishap for the ages (at 4:47)
✈️ "Top Gun: Maverick" obliterates "The Batman"—just ask Rick M's 80-year-old mother (at 5:42)
🤠 "Westworld Season 4" arrives—as robots appear in NYC to promote the show (at 6:55)
🦖 "Jurassic World: Dominion": Will the Ricks review it? Will the even go and see it? (at 8:57)
🙃 "Stranger Things" 3D projection mapping sends the Empire State Building updisde down (at 9:45)
🍺 Coors Chilly Roofs: Activation goes green by reducing temps & hiding the advertising (at 11:40)
🧀 Nail polish that smells like Velveeta—can Nacho Cheese Doritos nail polish be far behind? (at 13:09)
🍕 Ordering Dominos Pizza with your mind—thanks to a "Stranger Things" telekinesis app (at 15:33)
🥤 Is this the summer of hard sodas? Jack and Coke in a Can sure hope so (at 17:22)
🥘 Applebee's "Fancy Like" campaign wins the Grand Effie 2022 (at 19:05)

Approx. 21 minutes, 31 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🍿 The Ricks Review 'The Batman'

Matt Reeves' "The Batman" is streaming on HBOMax, the Ricks release their super-sized, mid-March review of the Caped Crusader's latest reboot. What works, what doesn't, a look at plentiful comics and movie Easter eggs, and more. From May 1.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium-quality travel gear for 🛩-setters everywhere.
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📆 Meanwhile, two years later: Rick M. returns to the cineplex (at 1-min, 15-sec)

📍 Rick W. gets his bearings in Matt Reeves' Batworld (at 1:50)

🐼🐻🦁🐨 A Batman actor menagerie reimagined as a police lineup (at 2:20)

🎬 Holy battle of the box office: Which "Batman" scored best? (at 3:13)

💥 Not your father's Caped Crusader—a masked hero for Millennials? (at 3:42)

🎉 What do Batman, Daredevil, and Spider-Man have common? (at 4:30)

🎃 A (very) "Long Halloween"—Bat meets cat & other stuff (at 5:00)

🎭 Robert Pattinson: Batman down … but what about Bruce Wayne? (at 6:10)

🥷🏻 Alfred, we barely saw ye—the Bat's most underutilized asset (at 9:26)

🐱 The Bat's Meow: Kicks & attitude make Zoe Kravitz's Cat a hit (at 11:26)

👺 Adam West Revisited: A closer look at Batman's cape and cowl (at 11:54)

🎩 Quack-Quack-Crooked: Colin Farrell's scene-stealing Penguin (at 13:27)

🚔 The Wright Stuff: Jeffrey Wright's Jim Gordon is one for the ages (at 14:46)

❓ Riddle me WTF: Paul Dano and the dastardly villain (at 15:32)

🤡 The Joker Gang and … a Boy Wonder-in-the-making? (at 16:39)

🎥 The filmmakers behind the action and the secrets of Gotham, Inc. (at 17:09)

🎵 Big score: From Fringe to Star Trek to Spider-Man, Batman & beyond (at 18:36)

🏁 Fire up the Batmobile—and a look at Tumblers past (at 19:44)

🦇 Quick, to the Bat Cave: An OG Easter egg that's a total bust (at 20:34)

😎 Character arc: From emo downer to hopeful hero (at 21:03)

☕️ Dano's last call on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams (at 22:29)

🤠 Batman, gunslinger? What's the deal with the spurs, Bruce? (at 23:33)

Juicing it: Is that's Bane's venom—or just Guano-ade? (at 24:24)

💬 Final grades—and the Ricks' votes for the Definitive Dark Knight (at 24:58)

Approx. 27 minutes, 33 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🖐🏼 Season 5 Premiere—The Boys At SXSW, Social Media & Kids' Privacy & More

Rick and Rick Season 5 Opener
In our Season 5 opener: The Batman is a high-flying hit, The Boys' SXSW activation, and the Biden administration takes on social media data collection for targeting kids' with advertising, and more. From April 27.

✅ Brought to you by Taskin, the official business and travel gear of bucket lists everywhere. 👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/XkyE30rpEsw 👐🏻


😎 Slap us five: Heralding Season 5 of us Being the Ricardos—by way of Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids (at 1 min)
🏖 Rick W's Miami memories and Rick M's nightmare trip to the mall (at 02:30)
🦇 The Caped Crusader kicks box office butt—even if Bruce Wayne didn't show (at 06:07)
⚠️ Brands react to the Ukraine invasion; Morning Consult has the read on consumer reaction (at 10:18)
🦸🏼‍♀️ Vought Land goes Diabolical: The Boys brand activation at SXSW (at 12:25)
🍎 Apple's new Studio Display debuts at Apple's Spring Product Launch Event (at 13:38)
(at 13:40)
📢 The Biden administration wants social media to stop collecting data on kids for ad targeting (at 14:42)

Approx. 18 minutes, 34 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.


😎 Slap us five: Heralding Season 5 of us Being the Ricardos—by way of Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids (at 1 min)
🏖 Rick W's Miami memories and Rick M's nightmare trip to the mall (at 02:30)
🦇 The Caped Crusader kicks box office butt—even if Bruce Wayne didn't show (at 06:07)
⚠️ Brands react to the Ukraine invasion; Morning Consult has the read on consumer reaction (at 10:18)
🦸🏼‍♀️ Vought Land goes Diabolical: The Boys brand activation at SXSW (at 12:25)
🍎 Apple's new Studio Display debuts at Apple's Spring Product Launch Event (at 13:38)
(at 13:40)
📢 The Biden administration wants social media to stop collecting data on kids for ad targeting (at 14:42)

Approx. 18 minutes, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

, Spotify, Tahoma, The Boys At SXSW, The Boys At SXSW, The Boys' SXSW activation, the official business and travel gear of bucket lists everywhere. 👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/XkyE30rpEsw 👐🏻

🥳 Super-Sized Season 4 Finale

Rick and Rick Season 4 Finale

It's time for an epic round of Loaded Questions as the Ricks celebrate their sensational season 4 finale. From Feb 13.

✅ Brought to you by Taskin, the official business and travel gear of bucket lists everywhere. 👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/XkyE30rpEsw 👐🏻


❓ Time flies when you're asking Loaded Questions (at 1 min)

🤬 Rick M. tries to make sense of his Season 4 pronunciation problems (at 02:01)

🔮 The Ricks' predictions are predictably bad when it comes to the San Francisco 49ers making it to the Super Bowl (at 03:20)

🤣 Rick M. loses his 💩 in a segment about the new ad campaign from Philips Laxatives (at 4:14)

🍿 Revisiting The Snyder Cut and whether it did justice to the "League" (at 06:12)

🤖 I only AI for you: pick-up lines created by AI...what could go wrong? (at 07:30)

📆 Revisiting our thoughts on the biggest marketing trend of 2021 (at 09:21)

🥤 Just how much we don't miss Pepsi's "The Mess We Miss" campaign (at 10:30) 

👻 Ghosting the future of restaurants, real or otherwise (at 11:27)

🐾 Enter: The Boston Dynamics robot-dog that pees beer into a cup on demand (at 13:04)

📕 Enhancing your vocabulary with new additions to Dictionary.com—including "oof," "yeet," and "zaddy" (at 13:54)

🤗 Quick clips, goofs, and gaffes from Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Rick and Rick Rule the World (at 15:36)


Approx. 34 minutes, 56 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

😎 2022 Marketing Trends (Conclusion)

Rick&Rick 2022 Predictions Concl
👁‍🗨 In the conclusion of their annual trends watch, the Ricks dive headfirst into the Metaverse—and what it does (and doesn't) mean to marketers in the year ahead. From Feb 9.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium-quality travel gear for 🛩-setters everywhere—shop now at taskinsf.com

👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/Vh6M30r9EpF👐🏻


👀 Was 2021 the Year of VR & We Didn't Notice? (at 37-seconds)
🥨 Time for a (Big) Grain of Salt About the Metaverse? (at 3:51)
🏂 Final Predictions: Snow Crash Revisited (at 6:30)

Approx. 7 min, 50 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🙌🏼 2022 Marketing Trends (Pt 2)

2022 Marketing Predictions Pt 2
The Ricks continue to talk trends in part two of our annual outlook for marketing, media, tech, and pop culture. Includes: Elon Musk's hair, COVID's on-again-off-again impact on marketing, the future of ESG funds, and more. From Feb 5.

✅ Brought to you by Taskin, the official business and travel gear of bucket lists everywhere. 👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/XkyE30rpEsw 👐🏻


⚡️ Our estimates on the number of Tesla Cybertrucks to be delivered in 2022 (at 36-seconds)
💈 The distraction Elon Musk has ready if he gets guff for Cyberstuck (at 1-min, 13-seconds)
😎 A summer respite from the pandemic—and what it means to marketers (at 2:38)
📈 The future of ESG funds and what it means to brand reputation and loyalty (at 5:36)

Approx. 10 min, 36 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🔮 2022 Marketing Trends (Part 1)

It's time for Rick and Rick's annual look at key trends shaping the worlds of marketing, media, tech, and pop culture in the year ahead. In part one: B2B marketing to a hybrid workforce; getting topsy-turvy in the entertainment sector; plus some tongue-in-cheek predictions about a new branded NFT initiative from Lotrimin, Spider-Man's next Big-Apple adventure, and more. From January 30.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium-quality travel gear for 🛩-setters everywhere—shop now at taskinsf.com. 👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com: ow.ly/Vh6M30r9EpF👐🏻


✈️ Rick W. shares his 2022 travel plans and a mission impossible (at 1-min, 19-seconds)

🤞🏻 Rick M. shares one trend he hopes will hold in the NFL (at 2:26)

🏈 Rick W. takes it a step further and predicts the winner of this year's Super Bowl (at 2:54)

🦶🏼 Rick M's prediction about a new NFT initiative from a major athlete's foot brand (at 3:31)

📢 A hybrid workforce world—and what that means to B2B marketing (at 3:56)

🎧 Why audio in general—and podcasts in particular—may prove crucial in 2022 (at 5:42) 🕷 Predicting Spider-Man will do the full Macaulay in the sequel to "No Way Home" (at 7:43)

🍿 A return to the cineplex in 2022 with plenty of blockbusters coming to the rescue? (at 9:30)

🎥 For the love (and thunder) of it—what's the scoop on this year's "Avatar 2?" (at 10:55)

📺 Is turbulence (or at least big changes) ahead for streaming services? (at 11:27) Approx. 14 min, 36 seconds.

For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.